Welcome to 5th Grade!
My name is Emanuele Iosue and I will be teaching a variety of Middle School classes this year in addition to being the 5th grade homeroom teacher, including Social Studies to grades 5-7 and Science to grades 5 & 6! I am so excited to start another wonderful year at St. Rose! Every day at St. Rose truly is special in so many ways and the next 180 will be no exception!
On this webpage you can find my supply list, a document with classroom rules and reminders as well as a general overview of the curriculum for each of my classes. More specific information can be found on my Google Classrooms which can be accessed via the codes given to students on the first day of class! If you need to reach me for any reason please email, [email protected], I will not be using REMIND as a method of communication this school year! THANK YOU
5th Grade Social Studies we will be learning:
6th Grade Social Studies we will be learning:
7th Grade Social Studies we will be learning:
5th Grade Science we will be learning:
6th Grade Science we will be learning: